Prayers hall. Synagogues in Voronezh

Object name:
Prayers hall at the synagogues in Voronezh, Russia
Russian Federation, City of Voronezh, 6 Stankevicha str.

Our craftsmen have undertaken very large-scale work of manufacturing of unique ritual furniture for prayer room in Synagogue in Voronezh: Bimah, Amud and the heart of the Synagogue - Aron Kodesh. All the items are made of solidoak wood and covered with gold leaf.
Yuriy Segal, Chairman of Board of the Jewish community in Voronezh, in his letter of appreciation has mentioned: “Aron Kades is a gem of Synagogue in Voronezh. It attracts attention of every person entering prayer room and makes you wonder about past centuries and uneasy life and destiny of the Jewish people”.

9 build. 3, Batyuninskiy Passage, Moscow 109383

Feel free to call us.: +7 (495) 799-37-97

Member at the Association of Internior Designers and Decorators of Russia

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