
Publishment date: October 2012, 24th

Wood carving is known since ancient times, but nowadays it is getting even more popular.  Carved furniture has always been considered as a sign of well-being and looked upon not only as a luxury item, but also a piece of art that has been passed down through generations.

Traditions and experiences of the past generations coupled with modern technologies allow us to achieve astonishing results while creating beautiful and truly unique items.

Artificial materials cannot be a substitute for warmth and beauty of the natural wood, whose texture fascinates and appeals to the eye. Of course, carved furniture made of fine wood is expensive, but it’s really worth it.

Carved furniture would suit both modernist style lovers and classicists. Actually it would suit all those, who take care of their image and adhere to individual style. Indeed, at all times carved furniture was considered to be an epitome of traditional style, as well as of elegance, good taste and high quality.

Interior decor may also combine wood with other natural materials: marble and stone, soft furnishings, metal and leather, glass and even fur.


You and your loved ones will be happy to return from the turbulent urban surroundings into the quiet corner protected with the ancient good wooden spirit.

Decorating apartments with wood is a fine example of style, traditions, individuality and luxury.

9 build. 3, Batyuninskiy Passage, Moscow 109383

Feel free to call us.: +7 (495) 799-37-97

Member at the Association of Internior Designers and Decorators of Russia

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